
社会工作的工资那些渴望成为社会工作者的人通常有希望在一个领域工作,这狗万app下载安装将对他人的生活产生积极影响,一切都在不太想到将获得换取努力的货币补偿金额。但是,社会工作计划中的大多数学生都没有意识到,很少有社会工作者赚取工资,这将足以支付不可避免的学生贷款,同时保持中产阶级生活方式。狗万app下载安装因此,全国各地都有各种社会工作者,他们感到沮丧,在努力工作后,狗万app下载安装在一定程度上努力寻找自己生活在学生贷款和税收,承担贫困之后。虽然社会工作者狗万app下载安装,无论他们的教育水平如何,工资都要少于需要同样教育程度的职业,但有些方法可以防止自己能够阻止自己被埋入债务,并且肯定会包括他们选择的学校或even the living arrangements that they make for themselves in order to ensure that they’re saving as much money as possible. This doesn’t necessarily mean that a career in social work should be entirely reconsidered on the basis of money, as social work is a career that greatly benefits the public, but it’s pivotal that those going into the field understand that it makes little sense to accumulate too much debt since it may be difficult to pay back with the wages that are typically earned as a social worker.


毫无疑问,社会工作,无论追求多远,都不是一个良好的职业,特别是与其他领域相比。虽然这是往往的情况,但也很明显,大学教育并不便宜,许多学生依靠学生贷款来资助他们的教育。虽然社会工作几乎不是一个有利可图的职业,但大多数追求它的人希望在旨在积极影响其他人的生命而不是关注所赚取的工资的职业生涯中。但是有些东西可以学习社会工作的学生可以做到,以尽量减少在赚取学位所需的历史中快速积累的贷款金额。These adjustments, though seemingly insignificant, can have an enormous impact, as accumulating too much debt as a student can potentially affect a person’s later financial choices that include purchasing a home, building a personal savings account, or even planning for a comfortable retirement in the distant future. This reality seems to pose a certain dilemma for the social work field as a whole since the following factors is a major contributor in people avoiding the field out of fear of the financial problems that could be faced in the future. But even though this is the reality of working in this field, it shouldn’t entirely deter people from choosing social work as a potential career. There are always ways that a student can save money during their college years, particularly by making certain choices related to lifestyle adjustments that can have an enormous impact on the social worker’s financial future. Some of these choices include selecting a lesser-known school when seeking to earn a degree, one that’ll be significantly cheaper than more prestigious schools that are both reputable and well-known nationwide.


Despite the amount of money that could be saved in student loans from simply choosing a school with lower tuition costs, there’s also the factor that if it’s not just tuition that is expensive, it’s also the living arrangements of the student that proves to be very costly. A student can save a tremendous amount of money if they made the choice to live with a relative rather than pay to live in a dormitory and have a meal plan. Aside from simply making certain living arrangements as a way to save money, it’s also much safer for a student to avoid paying for tuition or other expenses by use of a credit card since it’s easy to lose track of how much money is being spent and then there’s the added interest that the student will have to pay in addition to the initial charges placed on the card. As a result, it’s advisable that someone planning on pursuing social work should work for a year in order to save the money rather than taking the risk that comes with spending money that one does not have (Social Workers in Loan Debt).


一个学生最重要的事情之一关注社会工作意识到钱他们借来的资金教育是需要偿还的,一旦学生取得许可并开始工作这可以感觉的财政负担。有一项调查是十年前进行的重点是社会工作者的工资,强调了一个现实狗万app下载安装尽管他们的程度高,但经常赚取低工资。有人指出,有人指出,大量的社会工作者,22%确切,已经获得了远低于30,000美元的工资,而其他20%狗万app下载安装,只有30,000至39,000美元的工资略有增加每年;只有18个少数人每年赚取40,000至49,999美元(由州的社会工作学生选择的贷款债务)。在制作这些类型的工资时,毫无疑问,这可以将任何学生发送到恐慌模式,尤其是在超过数万美元的债务之后。但是,有一个社会工作学生可以缓解学生贷款债务所强加的压力,因为学生可以选择的各种选择来支付贷款,这与年收入相关。One of these types of plans, one that works in the favor of mediocre-waged workers is the Income-based repayment plan, and in this plan the money that’s paid back every month is based on the person’s income, and this option serves to work in the favor of social workers who work as public servants and are given the chance, if they make 120 payments on time which amounts to ten years of payments, then the public servant is exempt from paying the remainder of the loan. Though this may seem like a positive plan, however, social workers who tend to earn around 30,000 dollars a year can expect to pay at least $170 dollars a month. Though the amount of money owed in loans is somewhat related to one’s income, the amount of money that the student borrowed is also a major part of it and students who have borrowed around 25,000 dollars a year can expect to pay back $290 dollars a month and then pay a total of $35,000 dollars for the whole loan (Paying Back Your Student Loans). One of the most important things for a student focusing on social work to realize is that the money that’s borrowed while in school has to be paid back, and it’s important to prepare for this while also keeping in mind that it’ll be a struggle to pay back with the low to mediocre wages earned, but nevertheless it’s a field worth pursuing.
