


拿到博士学位后,博士,Dahlke加入了心理学系在俄克拉荷马大学教授本科和研究生学位的水平。然后他成为了研究办公室主任肯辛顿美国研究协会(空气)在华盛顿特区,监控和处理跨文化交际进行了一项研究项目的多样性,战略规划、培训有效性,裁定年轻的毒品犯罪者。Dahlke博士也参与了开发和实现一个独特的心理治疗方法,被称为20 - 4 -小时治疗,协调,24/7,团队的方法,为患者提供了治疗性接触的自然生活环境和顾问建议练习,韦斯特伍德的人际互动研究所,加州。









我喜欢教学;我是助教的时候,我是一个研究助理工作了一些项目。我决定我要成为一个院士。我决定教全职,我结束了我的第一份工作在俄克拉荷马大学,很意外。我在军队的时候不是本地回家,我发誓我再也不会回去了。太无聊了干燥,但是当我开始寻找一个位置,社会科学学院院长,曾经是美国心理学协会的负责人现在院长在明尼苏达州和他路过他的办公室,说;“阿尼你选择一个地方吗?”我说:“不”,他说;“你知道他们需要有人在俄克拉荷马,他可以把一只脚放在应用和研究世界你似乎它们之间的过道来回移动。他们可以使用你。你为什么不去下来接受采访吗?” I thought to myself well I haven't done any interviews so might as well be a good experience. I flew down there and got interviewed. They put me in a room with 50 different people. Students, faculty, the Dean, who knows who was there; just peppered me with questions and of course I wasn't planning on being there so I just answered anything I felt like was a good answer. I mean I didn't even worry about the answers, what I mean was, I just spoke what I meant. Turns on they were very impressed by that and made me an offer on the spot. Then we had a little social gathering that night and I enjoyed the people so much I decided well, I'll give this a try. I ended teaching up there for four years and getting tenure. It was a very good experience and I did have my feet on both the research and the applied worlds. I had grants and contracts from the Air force and from NIH to do some research studies with students and at the same I was doing a lot of talks around the state. I even had a television series at one point called "Adventures and Behaviors", where I brought the latest ideas in psychology to people around the state.

的一部分,我的第三年,我参与了项目,评估团队建设在部队工作中心所进行的合同,由政府资助。我最后做的一个小旅行不同的部队中心工作和我旅行的一部分包含在华盛顿特区,因为我们在资助。我爱上了直流,我突然对自己说;我不想变老的还是正常的俄克拉荷马城。我决定环顾四周,发现了一个非常非常整洁的地位研究主管对美国制度的研究是一个大型的社会科学研究机构。角色的社会心理学家,社会学家、政治学家、历史学家、国务院退休人,退休的军人,等等,做各种各样的研究由各种机构和联邦政府。我在那里大约10年,有一个球的所有项目。我的工作是监控的质量研究和获得新的研究写作写的赠款和合同和一些建议。长约9年,合同开始枯竭,因为政府撤回资金,我开始有点厌倦了我们正在做的东西。我碰巧跟我的一个朋友在洛杉矶。巧合的是,他并非巧合的是,我的一个博士生的俄克拉荷马人去成为一名临床心理学家。 I was talking to him, and he said; "Well you’re a little restless he said, I've just been asked by the manager by the beach boys who works with Brian Wilson who's really going through some problems and you know a lot about teams. Why don't you come out here and coordinate the team for me?” I thought you know, take a leave of absence and see if I like it. I think probably within two to three days after I set foot in California I realized that's where my soul belonged. Just really resonated to California, and anyways, I decided to come out full-time. I worked on that project for a couple of years and while I was doing it I figured well, I'm a psychologist, and I'm working with the therapy team; I might as well get licensed. I went out through the training hours and so forth and got licenses as an MFT: Marriage and Family Therapist and had a practice for a couple of years. Then I had always been doing consulting on the side for organizations and I decided, I want to do this full time. For the next twenty years I did nothing but work with organizations, large and small, government and non-government, doing team building, manager training, employee surveys, customer feedback surveys, you name it. In fact, people ask me what I do and I say I'm kind of an organizational Jack-Of-All-Trades. That's really what I just described to you, all of that is the essence of IO Psychology, Industrial-Organizational Psychology.




就当我第一次开始做咨询组织。产业与组织心理学是运用心理学的基本研究方法来组织。我已经有了所有的背景,这只是一个应用的问题。我们在旋转,冠军我们所说的学者,从业者的方法,这是对我们非常重要。它对我来说是非常重要的。是不够的去学习各种各样的学术理论和花哨的研究等等。如果你不能做任何与它设置在一个实际意义上的工作,那真的对你没有任何好处。事实上,这节课我知道了,可能在第一年半后我开始全职咨询。我正与一个客户在南加州为他和我做经理培训。我将准备培训讲义,晚上他当然总是看他们。 But one day he said to me when I came in with a new one, "You know this is all very interesting but why don't you get a hobby, I already have to rewrite it so we could all understand it." I'm a champion of pop-biz writing, in case of writing.




另一个很难回答!我曾与许多组织就像沿着列表和谈论每一个人。可以总结一些事情更一般的条件。我和几个组织过,他们需要开发更有效的管理者。我做了很多经理培训,教他们如何相互作用,如何与员工互动,如何最有效地使用他们的员工。以前的经理的模型就像一个警察。你知道你必须确保正确的方式能够完成繁荣繁荣。但是现在一天,越来越多的管理者的角色是在他或她的员工,这意味着政府要关注每个员工单独和给他们合适的培训和支持和指导的。我做了很多经理培训在许多不同的组织中,从小型汽车经销商到县部门。另一件我已经做了很多更可能是团队合作。 I've conducted team work retreats with police departments.






最初这个名字的原因是我想写一本关于组织广泛的团队建设,我有七个不同的策略。我写了一个很好的学术小书和共享它与不同的客户和我有相同的反应我年前;这很有趣,但太学术了。那时,这就像1998或类似的东西当我成为熟悉一本书叫做“谁动了我的奶酪?”I don't know if you familiar with that or not, but it's a book about change It takes place in a maze with some little characters looking for cheese but it makes all kinds of points about change and how to deal with it. I felt well maybe I should tell mine as a story, so I created this guy named Joe Gig who had a gadget company: Gig's gadgets. He was doing really well and he went for a vacation and for several months he came back to find out to his dismay that the organization was not working really well as a team anymore, things were going wrong, people weren’t getting along, and he decided to go up to his favorite mountain hike for the weekend to think about what he should do. He was up at the end of the day, the first day, and sat down by a tree and fell asleep. Then some old man awakened him and asked him if he was okay and he said yeah and he explained why he was there and the guy said, "Why don't you come out and have dinner with me? Stay with me over night? We have a lot in common." Well, it turns out this guy was a very successful businessman in several different businesses. He had a house and I took all the different rooms in the house, each room became a metaphor for one of my seven strategies for building teams. I told it like that and he's got very serious points in it but its told as kind of as a fable.

然后我写了另外一个也可以看到我的网站,我只是使用,与客户,而不是发布出来。它叫做“你,我,选择的力量。”这是based on the firm belief that we have choice at what we do and most people think that certain things are instinct or automatic but when you get right down to it every step you take, every word you hear, every movement you make, is something that whether you realize or not you're choosing. I had one little chapter in there for example that somebody or some secretary was all upset because somebody hurt her feeling and I said, "Where are the feelings coming? Show me where they are and maybe we could massage it." She said, "No, no, no, they hurt my feelings." I said, "How did they hurt your feelings? She said, "Well they said so and so. I said, "So you reacted inside." We got into a long discussion but the bottom line is, things happen to people, and how you respond is your choice. If somebody says, "Oh Arnie that was a stupid thing to do." I can think to myself, wow that was a stupid thing to do and feel a little bad about it or I can say, gee I wonder what's wrong with that guy this morning. Or I could say gee, he doesn't know all the facts. In other words there are or five different ways I can handle what's coming at me and how I view what’s coming at me then determines what I'm gonna choose to do. I always make the argument that your feelings are your own, nobody hurts your feelings, you’re the one who’s in charge of them. If your hurt, if you got hurt with feelings it is because you interpreted something in a way that threatened you or you know that made you feel not so good about yourself or something and things like that.




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看到人们微笑当问题得到解决。看到一些更高效地运行。看到人们一起工作在一个协作情况。好吧,我告诉你一个小故事。的一个项目我已经在这个国家拨款资助下教育的办公室。我们的工作,这是在70年代末,是研究成人教育的未来90年的和它是什么需求。我的同事和我走在所有不同的联邦地区,每个地区都有为期3天的撤退。我们没有在某种意义上飞跃未来撤退你知道如果你没有附加条件,你的手没有联系,你想要什么成人教育领域就像在1990年代;似乎时间轴远了但它很快。我们得到了人们真正延伸他们的思想和飞跃未来等等,这些会话的观众当然有点不同,因为你在这个国家的不同地方。 People are different in different parts of the country so we had to adjust the way we did the meetings, leaving a little bit to tailor to each meeting. What we would do is have our first day and in that evening, we had dinner and we had a get together in one of our rooms and kinda brainstorm at what how the day went and what do we need to change for tomorrow and so forth. My friend and I were very comfortable with each other and we might end up shouting at each other and telling each other that's a stupid idea or whatever you know and then go out later and have a drink. I had another friend who came on one of the trips with us and he sat through one of those evening sessions and afterwards he said, "You guys always do that?" I said, "Yeah, why not?" He said, "Well I sat there getting ulcers listening to your shouting at each other. My notion of a good team, a good collaboration is that people are secure enough and free enough to be able to disagree with each other and even shout at each other and still walk away with you know hand in hand. I have emphasized that a lot when I do team building that, it's you know, too many people are too afraid of their image and too afraid of the consequences of what they're gonna say and when you create that kind of atmosphere you really have good team work.


官僚机构。有时越大组织获得更多的官僚主义和刚性。我碰到好几次了。这就是人们需要做好准备。它知道这是会发生;这是一个组织生活的一部分。他们只需要找到一个方法来处理,我处理的方式是教育人们的影响太多僵化的官僚程序。当我可以让人们更灵活,更开放一点他们真的做得更好。事实上,最近我完成了一个类,它实际上是在MBA项目是一个组织发展和改变方向的学生代表许多不同的组织和我所做的都是领导。我在领导每个学生读不同的书,然后进来给班上的其他同学做场演示他们从那本书。 It was fascinating what happened was, they looked at organizations like Google, Facebook, Xerox and Walmart, you know like 16 different organizations. The trend they saw and I saw going through these organizations is the newer, younger organizations like Facebook for example, or like Zappos the shoe distributor through the internet, these organizations are very different that the old time organizations. They are very flexible with work and home schedules, they are very unbureaucratic, they are very flat and their organizational structure, they're very innovative, in fact, one of the organization gives people 20% of their time and in fact that's Google. 20% of their time each week to do anything they want to see if they can come up with innovative and inventive ideas. They have a tennis, I mean ping-pong tables in rooms, they have coaches where they sit around and can meet with each other and can talk about something that they're dealing with and just a whole different atmosphere of an organization. It looks like these young organizations which are the ones now who are beginning to be predominant in the Fortune 500 companies are gonna be the new way of operating and I'm fascinated by the millennial generation people born between the 1980 and 2000 who are raised on all of the new social media technology and the different way of thinking about people and groups. That's gonna influence organizational behavior, if not going to, it is obviously, already influencing organizations and the way we do business.


的原因,这是一个很难回答的问题是,我曾在许多不同的组织。我总是得到我的商业口碑。我没做任何营销。一段时间,大约四五年的咨询时间,我几乎与汽车经销商工作,一个人爱我所做的与另一个经销商,然后让我和他一起谈论我工作与另一个经销商等等。工作与组织这是有趣的和令人兴奋的。我不知道你知道多少关于汽车经销商,但他们在一个有四个不同的组织。我的意思是他们有业务办公室每小时的员工,他们有销售委托的人,支付的佣金,他们有技术人员在服务部门就像独立承包人你知道他们喜欢几种不同的组织在一起。每个部门的文化是不同的。把它们放在一起作为一个组织的团队是一个真正的挑战,我已经成功地这样做在做一些经销商和演变,这是一个例子。另一个例子是我跟你说过这允许部门在索诺玛县,这可能是大多数都在一个类型的咨询情况下我所做的,因为我不仅做传统的培训需求分析调查但我做团队建设,管理培训和处理。 I did all the different things I've done with different organizations, just about all of them I did in that one organization, so I guess if that were, if I'm gonna do like a case presentation, that would probably be one cause it sums up all the stuff I do.


首先,它的增长。我读过某人,我没有在我的指尖,但到了2014年,IO心理学家需要的数量将会比现在高出16%。万博最新地址这是增长最快的组件的心理学,现在是正确的。2号,两大主要力量,我将结合互联网和社会媒体,与电子邮件和互联网是原来做事情在电脑上和社交媒体,它们都是数字技术的发展,全球化,加上令人难以置信的利害关系与世界各地的组织。这两种力量在一夜之间改变了组织的功能。不是,现在我在巴黎讨论虚拟团队会议,有人,有人在南美和华盛顿会议的人一起在同一时间通过电脑。通信、广告招聘,都发生过,都是利用社会媒体,在全球基础上。现在人们越来越意识到文化的影响,当我在华盛顿特区顺便说一下,我的项目是与军队。他们关心士兵在世界不同的地方,所以我们开发了一系列我们称之为跨文化沟通指南为22个不同的国家。这些指南将本质上是有人将小技巧和技术; here's things you shouldn't say, certain behaviors that you should be aware of and observe, and here a certain polite things to do and this would be impolite to do and so forth. That kind of thinking now with this worldwide globalization and interconnectivity that we have through social media is becoming more and more and more critical now. I see IO Psychology moving in the direction of helping organizations adjust to these traumatic changes.