
社会工作度无论职业如何选择追求,无论是会计,社会工作,甚至工程,都会有利于赚取更高程度的好处,例如硕士或博士学位。除了简单地赚取更高的薪水,这是最常见的情况,还有更高的程度转化为持有更加突出的位置,毫无疑问,导致更多的责任。随着社会工作领域,毫不奇怪,往往是这种情况。When someone holds a Master’s degree in Social Work rather than just a Bachelor’s degree their opportunities for jobs become far more extensive, opportunities that reach areas more focused on the health aspect of the field rather than simply resolving various social issues that could include anything from addiction, to child neglect or abuse, and even long-term unemployment; all issues that can have an enormous impact on one’s mental and emotional well-being. It may even be assumed that when earning a Master’s degree in this field makes it far more likely for a licensed social worker to secure a position that’ll ensure a secure future with a generous salary.


社会工作者的职业有很大的不同。一些社会工狗万app下载安装作者职业主要集中在精神疾病和滥用药物,这是一个领域的领域提供了最低工资,需要最少的教育,在社会工作领域的其他部分更侧重于临床领域的一部分,更与一般健康和诊断。由于这种重要性和责任感,社会工作者通常需要获得硕士学位。从某种意义上说,一些州(但不是所有州)提高了社会工作者应该具备的教育水平和技能。在相当多的州,社会工作者要想在私人诊所工作,甚至有能力为新学员担任监督角色,就必须有硕士学位。获得硕士学位后,很难否认这样一个事实:毫无疑问,一个社会工作者在他们的职位上会拥有更多的权力和威望,获得高薪和有前途的可能性也会大大增加。例如,社会工作硕士学位实际上是一种要求某人举办一个位置,更直接关系到卫生保健领域,预计将在未来几年内迅速成长,为这种类型的社会工作更可能涉及一系列精神疾病诊断,同时还从事从儿科到肿瘤学等领域的工作。因为只有那些获得硕士学狗万app下载安装位的社会工作者能够在医疗工作,管理,和在学校很容易推测一个社会工作者,为了获得一份工作,甚至有一个广泛的可用的机会,将受益更多的收入比只是持有学士硕士学位。事实上,受过高等教育的人拥有更广泛的机会,而拥有硕士学位的社会工作者的工资基数,虽然看起来很明显,比没有学位的人要高得多。狗万app下载安装 According to the NASW Workforce Center, which proceeded to highlight this reality by using a survey that was taken by various social workers showed that this was actually the case, and the results proved that a social worker who held little more than a BA and worked in a hospital had an average salary of 40,100 dollars a year, whereas a social worker with a Master’s degree holding a job in the same type of setting earned an average of 60,000 dollars a year, which is a significant difference being 20,000 dollars greater. But this survey has shown that regardless of what area the social worker focuses on, the wages earned will always be much higher with a Master’s earned than without, sometimes a difference that reaches as high as 30,000 dollars a year. All of these factors shows that a social worker, in order to earn higher wages and have a wider range of opportunities in terms of work, needs to have a Master’s degree in order to ensure that they have a successful career (选择攻读社会工作硕士学位)。



一种社会工作的职业is, without a doubt, one that requires a great deal of patience and empathy, as social workers are usually exposed to people who are facing a great deal of hardship in their lives, whether they’re stricken with poverty, experiencing long-term unemployment, or even some form of substance abuse or addiction. When earning a Master’s degree in social work, people aspiring to earn a degree in social work are expected to gain the skills necessarily to perform in a challenging field, where they’re expected to be capable of handling a large amount of cases, assuming a supervisory role, along with being responsible for case assessments. A major part of social work has to do with both theory and experience. The knowledge that is acquired through sitting in class is viewed as equally valuable as the experience gained through internships and supervisory training. In the MSW program, students are expected to complete a total of 900 hours of field education in order to be eligible for graduation from the program (Master of Social Work). In nearly every state a social workers are required to have at least a Bachelor’s degree in order to land an entry-level job and are also required to hold a Master’s degree in order to apply for a clinical position (成为一名社会工作者)。毫无疑问一个几乎可以推测硕士学位实际上是要求以社会工作者的工作主要是由于机会的程度,社会工作者持有硕士学位和更高的工资支付给这些受过良好教育的社会工作者。狗万app下载安装


心理学好主意One of the main disadvantages of having a Liberal Arts degree, at least what might be the general opinion of most people, is that upon graduation it’s far more difficult to land a secure job than someone graduating with a degree in Finance, Accounting, or Business Administration. In terms of the following degree choices, there’s realistically more job security and a significantly higher given salary than in any job related to psychology. Some may even surmise that students who choose to study Psychology in college do so for no other reason thanthat it highlights their area of interest, as they most likely make the assumption that they’ll find some job after college that may not necessarily relate in any way to psychology, but will automatically require that candidates hold a BA in order to qualify for the available position. Most people may not realize that though the jobs more directly related to psychology may not be nearly as abundant as jobs in Finance or Accounting, but that’s not to say that the degree doesn't hold significant value or that the student studying psychology while in college will fail to develop valuable skills that can be used in other fields that more or less relates to psychology. It would simply be inaccurate to discount the level of importance that this type of a degree can have on someone’s personal and professional life by claiming that it isn't worth studying because the skills and knowledge gained can’t be easily used for most available jobs.


毫无疑问,教育具有一定的价值。它可以打开一扇通往广泛机会的大门,同时提高一个人对世界和自我的认识。但是一个心理学学位对一个人有什么真正的帮助呢?在大学里获得的技能和知识如何真正帮助学生毕业?又有哪些机会呢?实际上,对于选择学习心理学的人来说,有很多的机会,最常见的工作类型是心理学毕业生继续从事的职业,比如案例管理,职业咨询康复专家,甚至是精神科技术人员;所有似乎都与心理学相关的职业。但心理学专业不一定仅限于这些类型的职业。还有各种其他职业选择,即通过对人类行为主义和习惯的研究,心理学学生的可能性很可能会使被称为人际交往的人。在了解人类思维的方式可能导致工作中需要强大沟通技巧的职业选择,例如营销和社会服务。除了从学习领域和所获得的知识类型中获得的福利,心理学专业是任何其他自由艺术领域的专业,从学院所必需的书面工作中培养有价值的写作技巧,以及广泛的研究;毫无疑问的所有技能都非常适合图书馆助理,试用官官员,甚至是商业经理等职业。毫无疑问,心理学的程度可以用于开门到各种机会。事实上,统计数据表明,所有心理学专业的百分之九十个都会继续研究生院,但不一定在一个与心理学相关联的领域。 Some of these psychology students pursue business school, law school, or another type of graduate program. Besides the psychology graduates who go on to further their education, there are a significant number who choose to look for work instead. But seldom do these students land jobs that more directly relate to psychology. In fact, only a mere 25% of these psychology graduates actually work in a career that even closely relates to psychology, but that’s not to say that these psychology majors don’t go on to find promising careers in fields that are not as closely related to psychology, such as social work and market research, but fields that do require the skills that are no doubt gained when acquiring a psychology degree.

